Josephs Foundation

       Here in the beautiful Sonoran desert lies a wondrous sacred canyon teeming with wildlife amid sheer canyon walls with plenty of water and solitude for generations of free thinkers, artisans, and academia to come live, visit and collaborate. Brother Raven wakes me up in the morning cackling about all manner of things whilst his smaller brother the Gila Woodpecker, I call the Buddha bird, clangs on everything that will make a noise to hurry me up. Work to do, work to do, they remind me, but while I always listen, I will not be hurried for quality takes time and a good cup of coffee helps the blood circulate through these old bones. Wisdom does not come from running around willy nilly scattered in all directions, but from listening and paying attention to details, and a healthy old age is not the folly of a misspent youth, but the collections of little scraps of wisdom garnered from trial and error over and over again. There is more than 100 sq. miles of open high desert to roam around in, with hidden water holes and old ruins scattered about. I Joseph have built the infrastructure for a safe haven here in the desert to one day hold a community of two hundred people and with future expansion and a lot of help one day we can make a real difference. Josephs Foundation offers a place to contemplate and share ideas, while working out some of life's problems, but its goal is to collect talented dedicated people who share a common goal to help change the world for the future and help give meaning to their lives. People need goals and dreams to have purpose and to feel they can make a difference in an out of control world. With meaning and purpose in their lives people can adjust to a world without dependence on drugs or alcohol to alleviate the sad moments and get lost in altered states of being. Because we are not whole without all our parts, the refrain "no man is an island" is true because humanity is a community of individualistic parts that must contribute to the whole in order to survive and evolve. We can not hope to engage the world if we don't put our collective thoughts together by conversing with all parts of our societies. We are the dominant species that has emerged from the past to control and use all the resources on earth, but sadly due to our leaders penchant to decide differences without viable dialogue, they have decided to instead use War and Destruction, Greed through harmful Technologies, such as fossil fuels and plastics to name just a few, and the religious establishments moralization, such as Christians, to influence our politics and sanctify Biblical greed, so much so, that we are destroying the abundance of our resources, and turning them into waste. Our civilization is broken because we do not look after the welfare of our fellow human beings, instead the world has become a dog eat dog world in which the top dog dominates, kind of reminds you of our Evolution to this point. This cycle from the past must be broken if we are to use all our parts and resources and move forward as a collective whole. Foundations of great wealth have been formed by very caring and concerned parties to fund a great variety of human interests and fields of study in medicine and science, and to alleviate suffering caused by War, Conflicts, and Climate, but hardly is a foundation ever founded that promotes people more than funds.

The Fellowship


Donations and Comments

        My name is Charles Joseph Wilson and the Foundation is called Josephs because my father loved to inspire me as a child telling me the story of Joseph from the Old Testament. As I grew into adulthood I was not perfect, and I realized that the scriptures from the Bible were not perfect also. As I questioned my elders in the various denominations of the Christian Community about the things that were written about slavery and usury and how God favored one community over another, I realized that this was not God's doing but man's. So...much later in life I set out to discover many universal truths for myself and one night as I was looking up into the amazing array of stars in the night sky it came to me how we are all connected. Stardust is the building block of all things in this universe and as I viewed the night sky I could feel the presence of a greater being that encompassed all the stars and the universe itself. I understood that we are all but one small part of Creation and the Creator is this body of work we call our Universe. This has become my faith in God our Universe as the Creator, and strange as it may seem, it makes me feel like such things as Quantum Entangement could be no more than a mirrored affect of a slight division between parallel Universes. Many of the ancient communities of the past had Visionaries like Baruch Spinoza and Giordano Bruno (who the Catholic church burned alive hanging naked upsidedown on a cross, as a Heretic), and most probably influenced great thinkers like Albert Einstein to reject established Abrahamic Religious views of the Creator and Creation, as they too may have felt this same great Spirit of the Universe connecting everything. Some people call me a Visionary and others call me a Healer, all I know is how good I feel and how well I am connected to this Universe. This world we live on called Earth could use the help of Truth Seekers in all walks of life as they become agents of change for good. To this end I have devoted the creation of Josephs Foundation to be a meeting place for all good Progressive minded people who wish to make a difference in this world and our Evolution, so that we can all learn how to share our resources and find a cleaner and more beneficial path to a future that is bathed in cooperation and greater equity for all.

  In the past I have found the hot waters in this area, that are now closed to only those who can afford them, to be very healing and beneficial to the aches and pains I get from leading a life of arduous work mainly building the enormous rock walls to protect Josephs Foundation's headquarters here in this wondrous canyon. I know there are many good people in the world today that are conscious of humanities many faults and problems and have their own platforms from which to work, so I wish to add this foundation that I am creating to stand alongside the worthy efforts of the wonderful people from all walks of life who are giving their all in helping to make changes. I have also recently just finished and published my 1st and only book, "Onward Christian Soldiers" that is not at all what it sounds like, and will be available for sale through:, and I will add a link here in Donations and Comments to be able to obtain a copy. This book reflects upon the history of the United States since the era of the infamous Robber Barons of 1890 to our current elections coming up in 2024, and a world history of Religion, Economics, and Politics, that is driving human civilization to the brink of Extinction. Josephs Foundation is a dream for all humanity that is being built by the efforts of mostly one person myself up to this moment, but will die without the help of others, for my days on this Earth are limited and I have much to complete before I go, so I am looking for the next generation of unselfish people who are like minded and wish to affect change over time that will eventually restore harmony and guide the human species through the possible next stage of Evolution. If you are interested in helping, contact me at this website or mail me a letter to PO Box 278, Morristown, AZ. 85342 in the name of Joseph of Josephs Foundation, and include a self addressed envelope with return postage attached.