The success of Josephs Foundation will reflect the dedication and support of all members of this community who have helped make a dream a reality. A promised land with clean water and air, as seen in the spring time on this page, is waiting for all who would be part of the Joseph Foundation. As my hands toiled throughout the many years and watched the wildlife become friends, the sacredness of life and the beauty of this Canyon grew inside me and gave me the peace and vision needed to build the infrastructure necessary to support and protect a new generation of Truth Seekers dedicated to advancing society through change. I ask only that if you wish to become a member you truly seek out the truth for yourself, with honesty and an open mind. Make sure that your contributions do not limit your ability to provide for yourself or your family. It only takes one good idea to change the world forever, and there are many ways to contribute. Josephs Foundation has recently obtained (501) (c) (3) status as a non profit organization and can now can accept most donations as a charity and shortly the donation form will be activated, but if you wish to contribute, donations can still be mailed to Josephs Foundation, P O Box 278, Morristown, Az. 85342.

Shortly you can make a donation online using your American Express, Discover, Master, or Visa card. Please fill out the form on this page.

Josephs Foundation is in great need of volunteers and persons interested in becoming members and you don't need to donate money to do so. We especially need help in the following areas:

and many others. Please consider donating your time and talents to building this community and who knows maybe you will wish to be part of the fellowship of Truth Seekers and the Foundation.

Thank you so much for your generosity!

    Spiritual Guide, Josephs Foundation

Donation Form

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Donation Information
Josephs Foundation is a (501) (c) (3) non profit organization. • For more info or to contact: or